帝王之气 A Bathing Ape 腕上光芒

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-10-19 08:00

众里寻他千百度,要寻觅一枚心仪腕表并非一件容易之事。选购一款好的腕表,对于没有经验的新手和专家级腕表收藏家来说,都有可能是一段充满挫折的经历。著名的日本里原宿潮流品牌 A Bathing Ape 不仅在服饰鞋履方面占得一席之地,在腕表上同样吸人眼球。今日,FineBornChina 为你推荐 A Bathing Ape 最近释出的两款 TYPE 1 BAPEX 表款,绝对是潮人们的无悔选择

2013 秋冬 TYPE 1 BAPEX 表款
(一)源于经典 ROLEX 并搭配庄重实用、不显浮华的钢表设计。
(三)腕表带有霸气的 BAPEX by A Bathing Ape 猿人头标志,将 ROLEX 的帝王之气上身,尽显街头潮流的霸主地位。

Japanese cult label A Bathing Ape presents the TYPE 1 BAPEX for 2013 fall/winter. Furthering its bold aesthetics over two colorways in blue and green, the TYPE 1 BAPEX
features a stainless steel bracelet and buckle in contrast to its bright display panel. With subtle BAPE accents throughout and slogan “MADE BY HUMAN” stamped at the panel’s lower, the timepiece is another standout item from the imprint’s forthcoming collection, and is now available via the A Bathing Ape store for ¥41,790 JPY(approximately $430 USD).



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