视觉冲击 Oki-Ni推出最新秋冬型录

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-10-02 08:00

对于喜欢 shopping 的潮人们而言,知名店铺Oki-Ni,相信一定不会感到陌生。 OKI-NI (奥客尼) 于2001年9月创立,基地位于英国,先是开有门市,随之便发展网店在线销售。OKI-NI 以售卖男装为主,代理品牌都经过细心考虑从售价、品牌、颜色,甚至其它细节等方向去搜寻,切合OKI-NI (奥客尼) 形象,其中知名品牌有:Alexander McQueen、Levis Vintage、MMM、Raf Simons 及 Rick Owens 等。近日,Oki-Ni推出最新秋冬型录,由著名英国设计师Atip W.来亲身示范。J.W. Anderson, Christopher Kane, Agi & Sam,Rick Owens等众多潮流与时尚品牌相互交融,果断给人一阵强大的视觉冲击。

OKI-NI 的设计师用他们奇特甚至不安的手法,以意外的节奏和自由的想象,制造出一种时
尚的未来式。OKI-NI 正在赋予潮流无限的可能性,并且带动着一种趋势:越来越个性化的设计。服饰同样是一种表达的媒介,变成创作、设计的产物,变成某种生活方式的象征——OKI-NI让我们看到时尚变得越来越纯粹,并把这种纯粹演变为一种更集中更个性的表。




OKI-NI 的一切理念都在于打破了时尚界长期以来的传统的成规,只生产限量产品。此外,他们拒绝所谓的“时尚季节”限制,以一个月为期发布新品。这是一般的一线时尚品牌都难以做到的。

Oki-Ni continues its "STYLED by" series and tapped stylist Atip W to bring his expertise to the shop's newest lookbook. With clients ranging from Nike to Silas, and a resume that includes being published in Remix Magazine and Hypebeast Magazine, this British-based stylist knows more than a few ways to put clothes together.

The latest lookbook includes pieces from J.W. Anderson, Christopher Kane, Agi & Sam, and Rick Owens, to name just a few. A few items definitely veer into style-risk territory, but if you need some inspiration on how to rock them without looking like you’re trying too hard, just study the beautiful imagesabove and take notes.To make things more convenient, you can shop straight from the lookbook (the feature is on the website only). Just hover your pointer over any item the model is wearing and click to go straight to the product page. Visit the Oki-Ni website to shop, and make sure you're financially prepared to cop mad pieces.


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