科技潮物 IPad 5 VS IPad mini 2

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-21 08:00

Iphone 5S 和Iphone 5C 的改革创新让许多苹果迷们眼前一亮。而近期,关于iPad 5 和 iPad mini 2 的传言又开始热闹起来。究竟iPad 5 和 iPad mini 2 是否也会大胆创新,也让苹果迷们十分纠结。早在美国时间9月10日召开的苹果发布会前夕,就有知情人士透露,苹果今年秋季将召开两场发布会,分开发布新iPhone和新iPad,时间定在9月和10月。如今,9月已发布了iPhone 5C 和 iPhone 5S,10月,或许就是iPad 5 和 iPad mini 2 亮相的时刻了。据法国媒体报道,苹果公司或将于10月15日召开新品发布会,发布iPad 5、iPad mini 2 等新品。

初眼望去,若不细心还真的以为iPad 5 和 iPad mini 2 一模一样。殊不知,看似一样的两件苹果产品确有不同之处。如IPad 5 尺寸为9.7英寸,底部设计改成了mini 风格;IPad mini 2 是3G版本。值得一提的是,2013年10月,苹果或许不仅仅发布iPad 5、iPad mini 2、新款Mac、OS X Mavericks操作系统,业界猜测,苹果应该还会推出升级版的Apple TV机顶盒。


关于IPad 5和IPad mini 2的相关报导,请继续关注FineBornChina官网。
We’ve already seen plenty of photos of what allegedly are the new iPad 5 and the iPad mini 2.At first glance, it seems that we’re looking at two units of the same model, but in fact we’re looking at what is said to be the 5th-generation iPad and the 2nd-generation iPad mini. Based on the photos, Apple is adding some uniformity to its iPad lineup, giving both the iPad and the iPad mini the same design on the outside, including the same curvature around the edges.


Both models also sport the same black buttons toward the top-right corner, as well as similar-looking camera modules. Even the speaker grills on the bottom are clones of one another, with the larger iPad sporting a slightly larger speaker grill for better sound (we hope). The headphone jack is also placed on the top-left edge on both devices.

In rumors past, we’ve been hearing that Apple was changing the design of the full-size iPad to something a bit more like the iPad mini, and even shrinking it down to make it a bit smaller by introducing thinner bezels on the side. From these photos we’re seeing today, there isn’t a huge difference in size between the two tablets, although it’s very clear that one is smaller than the other.

We knew that Apple wouldn’t be announcing new iPads during their September 10 event, but it’s possible that the company could schedule something for next month, like they did last year. This would be the time that new iPads would be announced, and we could also see some other new stuff as well, including new MacBook Pros equipped with Intel Haswell chips and 802.11ac network technology.






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