淘双你最爱的鞋 Solemart Berlin Fall 2013 Recap

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-12 08:00

近日,球鞋界盛世拉开帷幕。Solemart,著名球鞋交易展示集会于2013年9月降临德国柏林。此次欧洲的 Solemart 上展示的鞋款更偏向于复古、慢跑鞋为主,而不是像 Sneaker Con 那样以篮球鞋为主基调。在这座崇尚精致生活的时尚之都,许多人为了参观这个鞋子的跳蚤市场而排队,当地的人群可谓是蜂拥而至,而其展览的鞋款品牌更是可以用应有尽有来形容。小编猜想无论是卖家还是看客,抱着的都是去交流的心态,当然没准还能淘上一双好鞋回家
现在FineBornChina带你领略下此次柏林 Solemart 现场的精彩瞬间吧!
Over the weekend, Berlin’s Solebox crew once again hosted its popular Solemart sneaker sale and swap meet. With more and more attendees every year, thousands of sneaker fans and enthusiasts from all over the world showed up to get the chance to grab some of the most limited releases that have come out in the past decade. Next to the usual booths, all major sneaker brands were in place, too, to showcase their upcoming sneaker styles and interact with the community.

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