法式创意 豪车Cactus Concept

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-10 11:51

随着2013年法兰克福车展揭幕的日子越来越近,各大品牌抢先机纷纷曝光新车款。来自法国的 Citroen 也公布了概念车款「Cactus Concept」。

从图片中我们可以看到,圆润的车身线条下採用了五门Crossover的车身型式,全LED的头尾灯组、无B柱的设计、与车顶线条融为一体的尾翼、特殊造型的车顶行李架与大尺码铝圈等,都比不上从车头、车侧延伸至车尾那类似触控按键的特色,而在车门上更有着令人好奇的「Air Bump」按钮。这些设计都体现了法国人的大胆创意。

而在内装部份,「Cactus Concept」採用了耐脏污的布面材质搭配褐色的皮革进行车室铺陈,方正的控台上有着大型触控式液晶显示幕及其他操作介面,其下也有着以按键式操作的排档控制,而长条型的仪錶也与非正圆形的方向盘进行唿应,值得注意的是在中控台大萤幕上显示的画面,似乎是Hybrid油电车款常见的动力状态图像,可能也透露出此车将採用PSA集团近年来致力开发的Hybrid4柴电动力系统。


Ahead of its official unveiling at the Frankfurt Motor Show, the Citroen Cactus concept is previewed with this spate of leaked images showing off a futuristic
crossover with a number of unique elements. They’re highlighted by a system of Air Bumps — air-filled blisters on the sides of the vehicle and around the headlights— replacing the functionality of a traditional bumper, as well as touch pads in lieu of conventional door handles. The minimalism continues throughout the interior,where a front bench seat is complemented with a dashboard that centers most of the controls on a large touchscreen display. Check out detailed looks below.


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