9FIVE 5周年纪念款太阳眼镜

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-07 08:00

一个圣地牙哥的私家车库开始打造品牌,到今天许多专业滑板玩家相继为 9FIVE 背书,9FIVE成为许多音乐界、运动领域的专页品味人士的指标首选。
为了庆祝知名品牌9Five成立五周年,9FIVE 与 Hypebeast 联手发表了“5 Years of 9FIVE” 影片,道尽这段成长的历史,同时打造两款新镜框于 9fivesite 线上商店推出,也在 9FIVE 圣地牙哥旗舰店贩售。该系列设计配色上取材豹纹,暗灰等时尚元素。喜欢的粉丝们可以关注下。
9FIVE is incredibly pleased to celebrate Five years in business as of today, 9/5, 2013. From a brand that was originally formed in a small home garage in San Diego, 9FIVE has amassed a paramount team of professional skateboarders that now endorse the brand, a large tastemaker following, and has been worn by many of the most prominent figures in music and professional sports. To celebrate this landmark, 9FIVE has released the “5 Years of 9FIVE” video, presented by Hypebeast, chronicling the brand’s history. 9FIVE is also releasing two new frames, both now available on 9fivesite online store and at 9FIVE’s Flagship store in Downtown San Diego. Any purchase of eyewear made on September 5th , either on 9fivesite.com or at the 9FIVE Flagship store, will come with the limited edition “5 Years Of 9FIVE” T-shirt, while supplies last.





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