时尚设计 OPHELIS组合沙发系统

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-10 15:02

近日,Björn Meier联手Till Grosch 为德国家俱品牌 ophelis 打造Docks furniture system成功抓住潮人们眼球。该系列把不同的家俱整合起来,如沙发椅、台灯和边桌,创造更放松,更能沟通的空间氛围,呈现出极简风格,开放空间的概念。

该设计来源于办公室之岛 islands in the office,沿用俐落线条的象征。值得一提的是,OPHELIS组合沙发系统还采用Docks furniture system 的模组化概念,主人们可以不断重新组合,设计出自己喜欢的风格。
With the idea that our office is not only a workplace but a place of habitat, Björn Meier and Till Grosch present the Docks furniture system — a minimalist, open space concept that bridges various home appliances together for greater relaxation and communication with one another. With the sofa-bench as a base construction, lamps and side tables can be docked by slotted panels, continuing your study space into the living room area. Designed for ophelis, Meier and Grosch describe the concept as “islands in the office,” whereby people and areas integrate, filling the gap of separate entities without forgoing its clean-cut motif.

With its modular nature, the Docks system is open to a number 
of iterations, allowing change and transformation in furniture design.









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