科技潮物 Android 手机最爱“Pressy”

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-04 11:04

智能手机正朝着大屏幕和高科技的趋势高速发展着,越来越多的智能手机设备开始搭载更大的屏幕和更高端的配置。当触摸技术在手机市场大行其道,触屏手机更成为各大厂商竞争的焦点。触摸屏成为智能手机的主流后,人机交互方式也随即发生了改变,不同的功能通过不同界面的不同虚拟按钮来实现。这样的好处是同一块屏幕适应了更多场景,而弊端是一些原本简单的功能需要复杂的交互来实现:例如如果你要激活手机 LED 补光灯进行照明,通常的做法是:激活屏幕、解锁、退出正在运行的应用、找到手电筒应用并打开。同理,对于那些没有快门键激活拍照功能的手机,想快速捕捉稍纵即逝的影像太难了。

近日,Kickstarter 推出了Pressy,旨在帮助用户解决这个问题。这个不起眼的小玩意,让 Android 手机的交互立刻变得生动起来。








Pressy是一颗适用于Android设备的外接按键。如果把它插到设备的耳机插孔,此物就可以充当任意键了。Pressy 外观像一枚音频插头,顶部实际上是一个按钮。将它插入 Android 手机的音频接口后,配合应用的设置,便可以通过不同的点击方式比如一次长按、两次短按激活手机的不同功能。借助 Pressy 实现的功能有很多,理论上手机拥有的功能 Pressy 都能成为快捷按钮,比如快速拍照、录像、录音、截屏、打开闪光灯,给通话录音、激活 Wi-Fi、蓝牙,快速打开/关闭某个应用,在紧急情况下快速发送所在位置等等。



Pressy 隐藏于无形支柱,插入耳机孔后露出部分仅有 0.7mm。用户不使用时可以将其插在钥匙扣中。即便没有 Pressy,配合应用,一条带按钮的耳机也可以充当 Pressy 的功能。

据悉,根据不同 package,Preesy 售价 15-45 美元不等。


If Kickstarter had a 24-hour funders club, Pebble and the Bolex Camera would be welcoming Pressy today. In under a day, the multifunction Android controller has more than doubled its $40,000 goal (raising $108,435 from 4,889 backers as of this writing) and with 45 days left to go, the numbers keep climbing. Perhaps its simplicity is what's making it such a hit. Pressy plugs into any Android device's headphone port (Gingerbread and above), and clicking its unobtrusive 0.7mm-tall button controls and automates any manner of your gizmo's functions.


Through its app you can assign a given task to a sequence of clicks; it's up to you if it takes two short clicks to speed-dial your mom or one long press to snap an unobtrusive picture, for example. You can still use it if you have a pair of headphones in too, with the cans' play button subbing in for control. Unlike other Kickstarters, this isn't some far-off prospect: Developer Nimrod Back has promised Pressy will be available within four months. A basic Pressy will set you back $17, for a choice of colors with a keychain storage sheath you'll have to pony up $25. Oh, and if you fancy yourself a programmer and want the device's API, then drop $1,000 and make that tier's one other pledge less lonely.

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