iPad Mini 2 背照初露

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-02 08:00

苹果公司每次要推出的新产品总能成为人们谈论的焦点。随着9月份的到来,关于iPad mini 2的传言越传越烈。近日,国外媒体FanaticFone曝光了iPad Mini 2的铝制后壳,再次把iPad mini 2推到舆论尖端。


iPad mini 2 的铝制后壳设计与iPad mini 1产品完全一致,如铝合金全身。至于音量键,数据线接口,还有摄像头也都与iPad mini 1差不多。唯一的区别是没有了“iPad”字样的Logo。iPad mini 2采用了A5X双核处理器,并且使用了四核GPU的配置特别是显示屏的改进令苹果迷们惊叹不已。

iPad Mini 2 的全貌和配置究竟如何,FineBornChina将会持续关注,为大家及时报导。


We saw the leaked back panel of the Apple iPad 4 a while ago and now, the aluminum body of the upcoming iPad Mini successor has been spotted. Unsurprisingly, the back housing of the iPad Mini 2 does not suggest any major changes in the design and it looks like Apple is going to stick withthe proven formula for its second-gen compact tablet.


If the leaked images are to be trusted, it is fairly easy to assume that Apple will be focusing improvements on the internals of the tablet, its software and hopefully an improved screen.


The iPad 2 might feature the Apple logo as an integral part of the rear casing rather than the printed logo as in the current iPad Mini back cover. Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm the authenticity of the leaked images and we don’t have any official word from Apple at the moment. So, you might do well to keep your expectations down until we hear from a more reliable source.














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