Subcrew x Cavenago 联名潜水表款 Gladiator

编辑: Mavis 图源于Cavenago官网  发表时间:2013-08-14 14:25


​       每只 Cavenago卡芬表都是由义大利米兰 Cavenago Design Center 卡芬设计中心所设计,完全手工组装、编号、及在推出上市前经过严格测试。卡芬表生产独家机械腕表,坚持只使用瑞士制造的机械机芯,并且更专精于造专业级潜水腕表。极简设计、现代复古风、独特性、沉稳的力度、及可靠性,都是每一只 Cavenago卡芬表所传达的精神与特色。 对于Cavenago家族而言,卡芬表不仅是看时间的工具,同时也是位「亲密朋友」。

       制表专家 Cavenago,这次与香港街头时尚指标品牌 Subcrew 联手发表最新限定表款 Gladiator。 瑞士制造 2836-2 自动上链机心表有著蓝宝石玻璃表面,直径 44mm 不秀刚表壳,特别适合深海探险。这款 Subcrew x Cavenago 联名表也在指针上展现巧思,红色的秒针,搭配海水蓝以及芥末黄色数字交错标示时间刻度,容易识别。下周起于 Cavenago 官网可以购得。

Though Milan isn’t exactly the diving capital of the world, it is a fashion mecca, with the Italian city playing host to some of the most slick, refined brands in the world. One of these brands is expert watchmaking label Cavenago, who’ve teamed up with burgeoning apparel brand Subcrew for a custom version of the Gladiator silhouette. This Swiss-made 2836-2 automatic watch features a sapphire glass face on the exterior, housed within a 44mm stainless steel casing. Perfectly suited for both deep sea expeditions and low-impact bass fishing, the Subcrew x Cavenago Gladiator features a fun multicolored dial,combining aqueous blue and yellow tones around the face for easy visibility.

Enjoy a look at the piece above, available on Cavenago’s web shop in the coming weeks.









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