终极版婴儿车 无法阻挡的时尚魅力

编辑: Mavis 菁华时尚  发表时间:2013-08-13 17:08

       近日,Skoda释出“VRS Mega Man-Pram”婴儿车设计官方图。这款超极婴儿车颇为引人注目,这辆车拥有合金车轮和液压悬挂式运动座椅,可以适应任何地形。




       同时,Mega Man-Pram婴儿车还搭配了全地形轮胎,大尺寸卡钳加上高性能的刹车系统和刹车灯,让这部婴儿车的制动非常高效。为了能够使其在任何地上滚动,婴儿车采用的材质坚固耐磨。值得一提的是,这款婴儿车犹如普通汽车一般配有后视镜、安全刹车、刹车灯和前灯。由于这些特点,这辆婴儿车也被赋予了“终极版婴儿车”、“皇家婴儿车”等美称。然而,这款婴儿车的设计也有不足之处,因其体型太过庞大,一个婴儿车要占据一个停车位。








Correct or not, some men have the impression that transporting the baby is the woman's domain. Equipment designed for baby transportation is by extension "women's gear." One European automaker decided to flip this perception on its head by creating an uprated stroller specifically for men. Now there's no excuse for a father not to take the baby for a walk.

Men love their gear and technology, even when it comes to something as simple as a baby stroller. Czech automaker Škoda surveyed 1,000 British dads and found that more than three-quarters would spend more time pushing their babies around if they had a higher spec baby stroller.

About a third say they were embarrassed pushing regular strollers around. So, the company went about building something more their speed, including popularly cited "wish list" features.

Designed to be "fit for a king," the VRS Mega Man-Pram is an imposing four-wheeled baby cart that doesn't look like anything you've seen around the city park. It rides on 20-inch wheels surrounded by all-terrain rubber and packs plenty of car-like tech for dad to geek out on, including hydraulic suspension, wing mirrors, oversized brake calipers, brake lights and a headlamp for night walks.


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